Stephanie Donnell
2 min readOct 16, 2021


Your story sounds a lot like my own trasition story; First the invenitable "am I Trans enough". or am I, "just another Cross Dresser"? FWIW, I am currently 4 years into HRT amd 3 years officually "out". Luckily I live in an area where I was able to begin HRT by way of "Informed Consent". I never had to go through the proccess of speaking w/ a Therapist to get things started. It was simply by way of deep introspection that I arrived at my decissions. My plan for beginning HRT was simply; Dip my toe in the water so to speak, and if I liked it, continue. If not, stop. Well as it tunred out, I LOVED what HRT did for me both physically and mentally. I will also share as to my "medical" status, that almost 3 years ago, I had an Orchiectomy, as I did not want to be on Sprio long term. Having my "stones" gone was a great relief and made me feel far more authentic too. I am still awaiting gtting my SRS sometime in the next year or so too. Interestingly in preparation for that that I have had back track so to speak and see two therapists for my sacred, WPATH letters. In both instances, this only took a single session each, ending w/ the conclussion, "yup, youre Trans". Ive read a lot of other people's transition stories, and quite often they seem to feel like some kind of fixed train schedule,. Another theme that Ive noticed in some transitioning stories, is where someone will hatch some kind of "plan" w/ Management and HR where they work, and suddenly show up one day as their female version self. I cant help but think this can crate a serious "whiplash effect". Luckily for me, I worked in an organziation that was very accepting. and I was already out to a few trusted colleagues. So my offical coming out was not much more than a companywide email announcing my name change. However I will also add, that a year earlier just after starting HRT, my showing up at work completely en femm for the first time, as part of Halloween dressup day was one of the scariest things that Ive ever done.. My transitioning approach has been more along the line of, "taking the slow boat to vagina" as I sometime phrase it. Most recently though, since my sexual orientation flipped from Lesbian to Bi/Straight(hot for guys) Im starting to get more than a bit, antsy to get things completed ;)



Stephanie Donnell
Stephanie Donnell

Written by Stephanie Donnell

60ish Trans Female, Electronics Nerd. I tend to lean, Conservative. You are hereby warned,.

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