You are correct that much of this isnt exactly the story that often appears in the media these days, that Cis folks want to hear, or for that matter, even what some Trans folks want to hear for that matter,. But its also quite similar to my own journey. Where it gets tricky is that some of it implies your(my) transition was a “choice”. The haters just LOVE to tear that apart :( Also w/ the use of the word,”desire”. It has that icky term, “autogynephilia” closely connected to it,. But I dont know that it has to be this way. Why should it be be seen as creepy, to also have this significant part of you, your (true) sexual/gender identity that largely been hidden/frozen for so many years, to be finally allowed to surface and take flight :) You touched on this previously in your description of, “The Tingles”. I started to understand who I was, first in the different phases over the years w/ cross dressing; First lingerie, then fully dressed, and then w/ accessories like shoes and makeup. Then starting HRT(2+ yrs now); slowly experiencing some amazing changes in my body. And recently an Orchiectomy, which has given me a small taste of how my genitals may be post SRS. All of this had been an arduously slow process, but Im fine w/ this as it has allowed me to carefully examine how all of this fits the mold of the person that I want to become. And so far, Im very happy to report, that I LOVE every part it :)