Who needs workers when you can draw upon any of the various "marginalized communities" who the Democrats endlessly pander to. I know beyond any shadow of doubt, If I was solely concerned with my well being as an (older) Transgender person, all that I need to do would be vote for nearly every and any Democrat on the ballot. Unfortunately I have a range of concerns about issues affecting this Country and our place in the world. The GOP is certainly capitalizing on this sentiment. Though I fully realize they are still the party of the US Camber Of Commerce and ExonMobile. or who I would term as, the Country Club party. They have also managed to successfully "weaponize" the religious fundamentalists as a voting block against Democrat/Progressive politicians. Im more than painfully aware that we now live in a more "globalized" world than the one I grew up in 50-60 years ago. And I can easily see how slogans like, Make America Great Again, easily gets traction along with politicians who promote it. Its made even harder when Dem/Progressive politicians refer to constituents as, "deplorables" or those who "cling to their guns and religion". Guess they didnt read the memo: You dont win votes by insulting people,,.