Thank you for sharing your story. Much of this is similar to my own, except that I (finally)came out at a much older age. I started cross dressing as a kid, and always thought of it simply as a minor “kink” in my male armor. But the more that I did it, the more it simply felt, “normal” and right. Im still drawn to the Female POV side of any erotic story. I never had the benefit of a therapist, Ive had to figure all of this out on my own. Beginning HRT two years ago required an enormous leap of faith. Thankfully I live in an area that uses, “informed consent”. I have watched my body morph, ever so slowly, from male to female. I dont think that much has changed in my mind, expect as you and many others have noted, that I cry at the drop of a hat. Im essentially the very same person that Ive always been, just in a much nicer, more authentic, “package”. I had some hesitancy about loosing my male sexuality, until I realized that I wasnt loosing anything, so much as I was gaining a female sexuality. Or to out it more accurately, that the one I already had, carefully hidden away, was being allowed to surface. This has felt as though a dense fog that I have been living in, has finally lifted from me.