Takeaways From The Closer
Ive watched, The Closer a total of three times now, and Ive come to a few conclusions about it: First off, Dave, you are simply not all that funny. You are no George Carlin, Sam Kinison, or Richard Pryor, and certainly no Eddy Murphy. GOAT? Seems more like, jackass to me. Im not offended by your attempts a making fun of LGBTQ people. Now, having you wake up one day w/ a huge dose of Gender Dysphoria,, THAT would be funny. However I wouldn’t wish something like that on even you, Dave. At the same time though, I do get some of what you are saying, and far too often these are the same things that many Cis gender people still think and say privately. It could do a lot of good if ALL of us in whatever “oppressed” group or tribe we come from would just take a breath and chill and not take ourselves so seriously. To your credit, I will say that your impressions of MLK is great. I often feel that many of us in the Trans community need to grow a thicker skin,. For one thing, your reference to the, LGBTQMNOP,,, alphabet soup of gender identities that are out there, I think we can take certain parts about inclusiveness a bit too far. All too often things like this make it far easier for the real haters, to throw rocks at us or simply dismiss us as a bunch of kooks. . Im also not that crazy about some of the word games that are played by BOTH the Trans activists and Trans haters in an attempt at defining what makes a person a woman(or a man). Trying to create new terms like, “birthing people” I feel, simply creates more push back from folks that might otherwise be our allies. As you may have heard already, a persons sex and a persons gender can sometimes be at odds w/ each other. And here is where Im likely going to piss off some of my friends, but I think it’s a hard truth that we should be reminded of: Sex IS a biological fact, in nearly everyone. Its whats between your legs, its how we reproduce; Do you inseminate, or do you gestate, pick ONE,. Unfortunately far too often the haters will get this far and simply say, end of discussion. However another part that you need to understand is your gender identity; whats between your ears. Its how you see yourself socially and sexually. In nearly everyone, their biological sex and their gender identity match perfectly fine. But not so much for Trans people. Although I should also add that this is NOT the same thing as your sexual orientation; whether you are Gay, Straight, or Bi. Unfortunately it requires a lot to understand the subtle nuances that tie that all these pieces together. Speaking just for myself, I don’t try to pass myself off as a, woman, but rather as an out, loud, and PROUD, Trans woman. And I am very happy to finally be seen and accepted as a woman, by whatever standards there may be, and despite whatever limitations and imperfections that I may still have. However you also seem to be of the mind that despite whatever medical interventions I may or may not have had in order to correct my condition, I and others like me are not worthy of being desired(or feel desire) as a woman, by a man, or for that matter another woman. And I can tell you for a fact, Dave that is just total BS. But maybe youre not quite man enough to understand that 😉