Surprised? Not really :( Love him or hate, him, at least w/ Trump you usually knew what you were getting. And Im sure this wouldnt be much different it it was any other Republican in the WH. Especially if it were one of the Bush boys; there used to be zero daylight between them and the Saudis(re: oil). I also suspect, that perhaps someone put a bug in Bidens ear that if he wants to end fracking(just on Federal land?) then he might not want to go out of his way to PO our freinemees that have much of the oil, and BTW thats inlcudes,, Russia,. Its no great surprise that many other parts of the world dont have the same views towards LGBTQ rights as we or most European counties do. But you also dont move the ball forward by going out of your way to p*ss people off that you are trying to enlighten,,.