Since I began my transition towards being fully Female, Ive struggled w/ doubt and questions as to if I was, “Trans Enough”. Many years back, I often considered myself, just a Cross Dresser. I knew that I never felt entirely comfortable in a Male role, but did not have much in the way of dysphoria about my body/genitals. I just wish that that I had been given a “F” assignment and not not, “M”. Since beginning HRT, 2 years now, and one year(officially) since going full time, with a legal name change, I am much happier. I suspect that if I was much younger(Im pushing, 60), I might opt for something along the lines of being, Bi Gender, Queer, or Demi Femm, which seem to be identities that Teens/20 Somethings today are frequently comfortable w/. However from my past experiences, being bullied when I was a kid, a label such as, Queer, has a very negative connotation,. Im far more comfortable, socially and sexually, being, Female, even though I know that my chances of fully “passing” are limited.