Since begining HRT over three years ago, Ive gone from, "average" size, to roughly half of that. I can still get hard, somewhat, often from "morning wood", or when Im highly aroused, but it's certainly not reliably enough for PIV(penis in vagina) sex. Im not particularly dysphoric about having a penis, or even touching it. I try to refer to it as my, "click"; a combination of click and dick. Its basically a clit that I can pee through. But I do try to make a few thing clear about that part of me to any potential intimate partner; A, it doesn't LOOK very much like it used to. B, it doesn't WORK anything like it used to. And perhaps most important, C, Ive got ZERO desire to USE it like I used to,. I try to make sure they understand that I am NOT a, "chick w/ a dick".
Something that you may wish to consider ahead of having SRS/GRS, is getting an, Orchiectomy. I had one almost two years ago, and I have been VERY pleased w/ the results; Primarlily as to how much more feminine that it has made me look and FEEL. An added benefit was not having to take Spirolactone anymore, which Ive heard can have negative side effects from long term use. I too am not a big fan of Doctors or hospitals, but the Orchi was a simple day surgery procedure; In at 7AM and back home by lunchtime. I was pretty sore for a couple of weeks afterwards, but largely back to normal within a few months. Between the Ochi and the shrinkage of my "click", I look pretty close to any other (older)woman when Im wearing tights or a swimsuit.