Perhaps we should use he term, Its complicated,? I only watched Casablanca for the first time about 5 yeas ago, and to be honest, it didnt do all that much for me, even though Im a hopeless romantic. Maybe if the characters were a bit younger perhaps, I dont know. Maybe as I get older, Im becoming a bit cynical like, Rick,,. The message I get from this movie is about making sacrifices towards a larger cause,,. Perhaps we should also learn to accept that people will often have more than just one love in their lives. And that how you feel towards someone doesnt always mean there can be a workable relationship w/ them,,. Or that certain circumstances may prevent anything from developing,,. Ehhh what do I know,,. The other nite I was out w/ a group of friends, and one talked about her experience in reconnecting w/ a woman she had known back in college. That was far more relatable to me and even touched a nerve, in a good way :) May I perhaps suggest some more modern material that carries this same theme. Namely works by Aaron Sorkin. His TV series, The West Wing, The News Room, and Studio 60, are fabulous :)