Oh it it is possible, just go for it :) There are going to be missteps along the way for certain. But once you realize that the “gender police” arent going to instantly throw a net over you, it gets much easier. My first time was on a Saturday afternoon. I was planning on attending a local CD support group meeting, several towns away. I had prechecked the lights on my car, so as to not give Officer Friendly any extra reason to stop me,. BTW, did you know that, “driving while dressed” is a thing? After carefully checking to make sure nobody was walking past my house, I quickly exited, got in my car and left. When I arrived at the meeting location, a church, I quickly realized that I had the WRONG Saturday, as a Scout meeting was just letting out, and milling around the parking lot were a number of kids with their parents. Major FAIL. At least when I arrived back home, I was able to exit the car under the cover of darkness,. That was a mere five years ago. now Im full time, over two years into HRT, and just last year had my legal name changed. And the journey of discovery still continues :)