My Wife was(still is) incredibly supportive of me. When I first came out to her as a CD, her response was, its just clothes. To her I was the same person. But then as I moved forward w/ HRT, almost 5 years ago now, going full time, and even having an Orchiectomy, and looking at full on SRS further along, things started getting very real . Certainly no surprise that all of that has changed many aspects of our relationship. More recently though another huge change for me has been my sexual orientation changing to where Im also attracted to guys now. I suspect that if I had come out 25 - 30 years earlier, she would have left me by now. But as we are now "elderly"; Im in my early 60s and shes actually quite a bit older, and is starting to need help, which Im happy to be there for her. For your situation, Id hold off on the Mexico move until you sport things out a bit more. Certainly you need to continue being Anna as much as you need to. Maybe out away from your house as much as possible.