Ive honestly not previously thought of being. “Cis” as one of the social ranking privileges such as “white privilege” or “male privilege”. And to be totally honest, Im a bit on the conservative side, and not completely onboard w/ some of that, but not completely ignorant of it either,. You may have come across these online “tests” that someone can take to determine of they are to some extent,Trans. The other day, I thought, someone ought to formulate a similar “test” to see if someone is “Cis enough”. The we could have a bit of fun, sitting back and watching them freak out, if they dont score 100% :) Of course all of these sort of tests, are based on stereotypical gender norms. Or what if, we lived in a world where people were required to undergo examination from TWO psychiatrists for at least a year, in order to be allowed to live as a Cis Gender person,,,.