Ive heard that many/most Cis Lesbians dont want anything to do w/ a Trans woman. I can partly understand this. Unfortunately Im currently stuck w/ having something attached to me that used to be a penis,. Although I working on remedying that soon enough,. And BTW, congrats on your upcoming GCS. Do you think that will help your acceptability/cred w/ the other Ladies? Although Ive only w/ guys for the past year or so, Im still very much attracted to other females, both Cis AND Trans. Infact I know of a number of "T4T" (Trans 4 Trans) relationships. Which seems quite logical to me anyways. Back when I first started to socialize w/ other CD/Trans folx, it intially creeped me out that I felt attraction to some of them. It was when I first realized that the term, "male lesbian" applied to who I was. And now after 4 years now of HRT and and Orchiectomy, I feel very much like a woman :)