Ive always been under the impression there are so many Trans/Queer folkx in Tech as many of us were outcasts from many of the traditionally male social groups and recreational activities, which led us into persuits like computers. I recall when I was initially exploring my feminine identity, I came across a post that listed several possible opening lines that might be used to strike up a conversation w/ a Trans Gurl. And one the suggested lines was: So. what do you do in IT? And what makes this incredibly hilarious is that its so freaking TRUE. And there are certainly other factors that further contribute to steering us towards careers in Tech. It helps to be deeply analytical and the ability to deeply focus on certain things, which certainly comes in handy when youre trying to understand your gender identity. For myself, I got into Tech the old school way; By way of Ham Radio.. You wouldnt believe how many of us (older)Gurls are or were Hams.