In my most honest opinion, if you merely want to present as a woman, then you are a, Cross Dresser. Which BTW many of us, myself included, started out as then realized there was far more going on underneath,. If you are Trans, then you had best have SOME degree of skin in the game(literally). Im very grateful that being accepted as a woman even very early on in my transition has been as easy as it was. The old system of "gatekeeping" was often seriously flawed. However Im not comfortable w/ how just about anyone can "self identify" as a woman now. This is why many conservatives and folks like JKR see us as a bunch of kooks,. My suggestion is that if you havent done so already, if at all possible, try a bit of Dr prescribed HRT. You may find that "running on the right fuel" is just what you need. You can make choices about taking further steps later on.