Im Trans, and FWIW lean to being conservative as well(roll that around in your heads a while,,) and sports has never been a big thing for me, neither decades ago when I was in school or into adulthood. I feel that the fact that Thomas has already undergone male puberty, DOES make a difference, even though she is currently on HRT. This issue will require much further study and I suspect more changes to the guidelines as to who is able to compete in female sports. One possible idea could be to have athletes compete in different weight/height divisions as is the case w/ say, wrestling and boxing. Interestingly this debate actually plays into another area of Teens who wish to transition, that being having a greater access to hormone blockers to place natural puberty on hold. Which I suspect most of those who feel Thomas shouldnt be allowed to compete are quite likely against as well. Come to think of it this strangely reminds me of the (very)old arguments where many conservatives are against teens having access to birth control, but rail against the consequences when Teenage girls get pregnant and possibly have abortions,,.