I think that you make some very useful distinctions here, which are often lost in noise/discusions about Trans people, even by many of our best advocates. I for one realize that no matter what I have for surgeries or therapies, I will never be 100% entirely the same as any genetic woman. I am a, Transgender woman, and merely want to live my life in peace as such. I am of no threat to anyone. Im usually hesitant to all out the activists who frequently use terms like, "Trans women are women", as they have worked very hard in recent years to help advance greater public accpetance of Transgender people. I understand how trying to explain these nuanced concepts to Cisgender people can be nearly impossible at times, as most have never given much thought to the concept of sex and gender being entirely seperate qualities. I even accept that many Conservatives wont ever see me as, female, as I will always posses those XY chromosomes. But in the same vein, I am often disheartened how certain Feminists("TERFs"), and even many Lesbians wont see me as one of their own.