I think that one of the hazards of later in life transitioning is that I still carry much of my old male "template" with me. Do you still find yourself, as you prepare to exit the Rest Room, checking to see if your fly is zipped up? Even when youre wearing leggings or a skirt? Thats 50+ years of learned habit right there, and its not something you can instantly shake off. Im 64 years young and have lived full time as female for over 5 years,
have been on HRT for 6 years, and still have a ways to go . Ive only recently a few times, seen myself as, female in dreams. Most of the time Id say that Im genderless. I dont feel that much different about myself, other than being far more comfortable presenting as, female. Which matches how I want to be seen socially and sexually. I now feel more, authentic and true to form. Where as before it was as if I was trapped in a Gorilla suit.