I like to think that folks are capable of change. Of "evolving". As to who would do a better job of running things for the next four years. Ive got No love for Trump. To me, he is a loud mouth, vulgar, bully. But he is where he is for a reason. More people liked his message better than what was being offred by his opponent. Ive got NO doubt in my mind that as a Trans person, my life would be better under a Biden administration than more of President Trump. But I also have a range of other concerns beyond that. Its very unfortunate that soon after he got into office, Trump sold out the LGBTQ people as he did. Offhand, I believe that so long as him as his friends can make money, Tump as a business person, doesnt give a rats ass where I pee. Im equally dishearted by the current Democratic party who have completely abandoned the working class people who they had represented for decades earlier.