I know that I will never totally be able to "pass", and I have no desire to do so. There are still some elements of my former male identity still lurking in the shadows and I have no desire to completely erase that part of who I was/am.. I simply want to be seen as a woman, socially and sexually, who also happens to be, Trans. One advantage that we have at our age is that nobody expects us to look like a super model. I also feel that we have a responsibility to only just the "kids" coming along today, but also to the many older Gurls who remain deeply in the closet. We need to help show them that it possible to live their truth in the light of day, w/o fear :) I will also add one thing that I have observed, is many older Cis women have at our age, given up on even trying to look feminine or extra attractive. So we actually have a fairly low bar that we have to clear. And I suspect that its also the reason behind at least some of the "male gaze" that is placed upon us at times ;)