I highly suspect that DEI scares the beezese out of some corporate folks,,. Its like Affirmative Action on steroids,. And to be certain, in order for it to work, its gotta come from the top down,. TBH, Ive got some misgivings about DEI. Some of the "training" that Ive seen leaves a lot to be desired. One bright spot that I encountered at a company where I recently started at, was when my Manager happen to notice that a colleague had used the wrong pronouns in referring to me. My Manager spoke me in private to let me know that he had noticed this and hoped that I wasnt adversely affected by it. I told him that it wasnt a problem and its not something Im easily "triggered" by. I just want to be seen as someone with awesome skills. who, BTW, is Trans. I think that one our biggest hurdles is to defy the various stereotypes about LGBTQ folxs. Im open about who I am, but at the same time try to show that with regards to most everything else, Im boringly normal; nothing to see here, move along,. :)