I find many aspects of "Self ID" to be problematic. However the other side of that coin is the often arbitrary gate keeping from years past that would keep many from living their best lives. While I appreciate the work that many proTrans activists have been doing. I also find much of the rhetoric they use to be simply embarrassing to the point where it makes me want to crawl under a rock,. I will also add that I have directly benefited from "informed consent" to initially get started on my journey to living as the woman I was meant to be. It should also be pointed out, that for many, SRS or even HRT isnt an option due to health, or other personal issues. However at the end of the day, its been my own opinion, if you want to declare yourself to be, Trans. Then you also need to put in the time, and hard work, or go home,. I will also mention that unlike most Trans women from times past, who usually lived "stealth", I chose to live openly, as a Trans woman. A close Trans friend of mine who transitioned over 30 years ago, borrowed this line from an old song: It took a lot of doing. But I take a lot of pride in who I am.