For good or bad, having breasts is the most outward indication that you are a sexually mature female. I secretly wanted boobs since I was 12 when the Cis girls started getting theirs,. And now a half century later I finally got them :) Truth be told, theyre not nearly as sensitive as they were when I was first "developing". But then at least I dont need to worry about bumping into things w/ them which had resulted in excruciating pain,.(Ques: do Cis women experience this too? Or is it just something unique to us who transition later in life?). I wouldnt mind if they were a tad larger, but at least they dont create any serious problems for me either like getting sore each month or make my back sore. Last year I even had my very first Mammogram and TBH, I dont know what all the fuss that Ive often heard from Cis women was all about; Squish squish, all done, see ya again in a few years :) None the less it was also a very validating experience to know that my boobs could face the same issues faced by Cis women,. Also, like many Cis women, at the end of the day when I get home, Im quite happy to ditch my bra as fast as possible. I love having boobs, and wouldnt trade them in for anything, they are all mine :)