Back when I was 11 or 12(1970/71?) I had a couple of bras that I kept in a box in my room and one day my Mom happen to find it while claening. My mistake as I hadnt secured the cover correctly. When I arrived home from school that day my mom told me what she had found. I wasnt actually punished for it, but she try to make it as clear as possible in the language that exsisted back then(50 years ago), that it was NOT at all cool for me to have those items. I know that she never mentioned this to my Dad. A few years later though he did ALMOST catch me dressing while I was house sitting at a neighbors house. If he had caught me I know that would not have ended well for me and I might not be here today to tell the story,,. Side note: Ironically about 30 years ago, after my Dad had passed and I was clearing out his aprtment, I came across a small stash of porn that clearly indicated to me that my Dad was either Gay or at the least had a seriou Bi streak,,. Just something else that nobody ever mentioned 50 years ago,,. But I think my Mom was aware of it; Back just before my Wife and I were married, nearly 40 years now, my mom made some quip to her saying, "if theres anything wierd about (dead name), then he got it from his Father",,. We all thought it was a hoot, however in the back of my mind I was always thinking, does that mean my Dad was a Bisexual Transvestite(old language)? Guess I was at least partly right,. :)